
Chamber music with historical instruments


Next meeting is planned to be on February 2024, 22nd-23rd in Rome.

These winter meetings are focused on chamber music and are addressed to singers and instrumentalist at any level, interested in deepening XVII and XVIII century repertoire  (A = 415Hz).

The first cycle of Barocco Romano courses began in November 2014 and has now reached its seventh year, with a steady growth in interest and participation.

Many teachers participated to our activities: in addition to the permanent presence of Laura Pontecorvo and Guido Morini, Rossella Croce, Francesco Galligioni, Luigi Lupo, Franco Pavan, Tommaso Rossi, Alessio Tosi, Mauro Valli and Furio Zanasi took part.

The 2024/2025 season will continue with the following appointment:

  • February 22nd-23rd in Rome, with Laura Pontecorvo, Guido Morini and Andrea Fossà.

Groups will be pre-constituted on the basis of different levels and attitudes, providing in advance the repertoire to be played during sessions. Applications need to be sent at the latest 30 days before chosen event.

Sessions are hosted by ISA, Via del Commercio, 13 – Rome with the following schedule:

Saturday  10:00 – 13:00 / 15:00 – 19:00        Sunday  10:00 – 13:00 /14:00 – 18:00

The course will be activated upon reaching a minimum number of students.

For partecipants in needs of accommodation, there is the possibility of agreements at convenient rate.

Barocco Romano



Rete Toscana Classica